
OCPC I.C.E. TG-4 Thermal Paste 4g 散熱膏

Original price was: $98.0.Current price is: $60.0.

I.C.E. TG-4 Thermal Paste[TG-4 導熱膏]

TG-4 不含金屬且不導電,消除了短路風險並為 CPU/GPU 和 VGA 卡提供更多保護。熱阻低,能長時間保持糊狀。使用溫度範圍廣,在-50℃-250℃環境下性能穩定
I.C.E. TG-4 is metal-free and non-conductive, eliminating the risk of short circuits and providing more protection for CPU/GPU and VGA cards. Low thermal resistance, can keep mushy for a long time. Wide operating temperature range, stable performance even in the environment of -50℃-250℃

Features 特徵:

超高性能 卓越的穩定性 優異的不導電性 可靠耐用

Ultra-High Performance Superior Stability Excellent Conductivity Reliable Durability

Color Grey 灰色

Specific Gravity

Thermal Conductivity 熱導率

Temperature Stability 溫度穩定性
-50°C~ +250°C

Volume 體積

SKU: ocpc-ice-tg4-4g Category: Tags: , , , Brand:


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